Oct 24, 2023Weekly PhotosCAMPUS 2023·10·22This Sunday was YRCS's eighth week of class. Here are some photos and videos from this week's classes. K | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8...
Oct 16, 2023Weekly PhotosCAMPUS 2023·10·15This Sunday is YRCS seventh week of class. Here are some photos and videos from today's classes. K班小朋友玩中快乐学认字 一年级小朋友今天测验,各个都很认真...
Oct 9, 2023Weekly PhotosCAMPUS 2023·10·8This Sunday is YRCS sixth week of class. Here are some photos and videos from today's classes. K班小朋友玩中快乐学认字 别看我小,我会做很多事呢!K班毕铭玥小朋友还跟大家分享怎么...