Our School
Yellow River Chinese School is a California Nonprofit organization headquartered in Fremont, California. Our mission is to promote Chinese language and cultural heritage.

Yellow River Chinese School offers all levels of Mandarin Chinese education, from beginning introductory classes, to advanced classes that involve in-depth analysis into traditional Chinese poems and literary works. It is the only Chinese school to offer courses in Chinese from the Chinese Mainland. In addition, the school offers extra-curricular courses in Chinese Chess, Art, and Basketball, just to name a few.
The instructors are highly qualified and experienced. Some of them are highly renowned scholars in the People's Republic of China, and have come to teach and research in the United States. Each class has an excellent ratio of teachers to students, and each student receives personal attention from their teacher.
黄河中文学校是一个注册于加利福尼亚州的非盈利组织, 总部设在 FREMONT 市。我们的宗旨是推广中国语言文字和弘扬中华文化的精髓。

黄河中文学校是由来自大陆的留美学人,为填补中文简化字和汉语拼音教学之缺,于九五年六月义务创办的。成立目前已从初期的三个班、六十人,发展到现在有31个中文班,包括幼儿班,学前班,和一到八年级。另外学校设有 22个文体班以及成人蓝球、网球、健身和太极拳班。全校学生人数700百多人。学生来自湾区各城市,大陆、台、港、东南亚背景家庭的均有。是湾区规模最大、发展最快的简化字中文学校。
办学的基本目的是保持和传播优秀的中华文化和传统;教授汉语拼音和简化字( 兼认繁体字 ),使学生掌握基本汉字、词汇和语法,能初步阅读华文书报,写简单应用文。为将来的学业和事业打下汉语基础;培养孩子们的才艺技能和修养,建立自信心以及独立学习和工作能力,训练孩子们的团队精神;为家长提供相互认识,交流,聚会的场所以及生活,事业上的帮助。
YRCS Goals
Mission Statement
Our mission is to offer exceptional and accessible education in Chinese language and culture, catering to the Tri-City communities. We are dedicated to nurturing our students' abilities in listening, speaking, reading, and writing through high-quality and affordable instruction.
我们的使命是为Fremont-Newark-Union City社区提供优质且负担得起的中国语言与文化教育课程,致力于培养学生在听、说、读、写各方面的中文能力。
Vision Statement
A widespread embrace of the Chinese language unfolds, empowering students with proficiency to positively impact the global community.
Learner Achievements
Graduates of the Yellow River Chinese School will emerge as adept individuals, proficient in both the Chinese and English languages. They will confidently navigate communication across listening, speaking, reading, and writing in Chinese, displaying a profound appreciation of Chinese culture and leveraging effective communication technologies. Moreover, they will stand as bridges connecting diverse cultures.