Student Activities
Learning Characters
YRCS Students have many opportunities to go beyond the textbook to learn about Chinese culture and language.
Creative Learning
Student Projects
Chinese Culture Videos
Advanced students in accredited Chinese classes can take on extra credit projects such as the videos below. These video projects are written, scripted, and designed by the students themselves. They showcase the students' excellent understanding and usage of the Chinese language, both written and spoken.
This video describes the student's appetite for Chinese food and the many delicious foods in Chinese cuisine, found in restaurants and at home.
This video describes the student's lifelong passion and achievements in Chinese dance.
会动的书 《猴称王》
This student-written and animated video tells the story of a circus of performing animals, their monkey leader, and the talented newcomer tiger. The characters are all voiced by participating students.
会动的书 《成语串成的故事》
This student-written and animated video tells a story of two girls through connecting Chinese idioms.
Student Newsletter
AP Chinese students write regular Chinese newsletters covering recent local news as well as interesting facts relevant to students.