Academic Contest 2025
The Academic Competition for the 2024-2025 school year took place on January 5, 2025.
For all the above competition projects, there is no need to fill out a registration form. The competitions will take place during the regular class hours. Parents are kindly requested to ensure students arrive punctually for the competition on January 5th, 2025.
以上所有竞赛项目都不需要填写报名表,比赛在各中文班上课时间进行。各位家长请务必在 1 月 5 日准时送学生到校参加竞赛。
Recitation and Drawing Competitions:
The recitation and drawing competitions are extra competitions that group participants by age. All participating students, including students from the art class, must submit a competition registration form.
The registration deadline is December 15, 2024 Registration forms can be submitted to teachers or directly to the school office. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Each student is only allowed to register for one competition.
Recitation and drawing competitions will be on January 12, 2025.
Drawing competition participants should bring their own drawing materials (pencils, colored pencils, crayons, etc.). Drawing paper will be provided by the school.
报名截止日期:2024 年 12 月 15 日。报名表可以交给各班老师、值班家长或直接交
给学校办公室。逾期不予受理,敬请合作。 -
朗读、绘画竞赛时间: 2025年 1 月 12 日
Competition Age Groups:
Here are the 2024 recitation competition reading selections. Each group had two reading selections: one classic poem, and a piece of children's prose.
Group B: 观书有感 [宋] 朱熹 龙的传人 侯德健
Group C: 春日 [宋] 朱熹 树的家庭 金波
- Group D: 山行 [唐] 杜牧 小雨点 徐青山
For inquiries about registration and the competition, email:
有关报名及竞赛疑问 email:
Academic Contest 2024
Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 Academic Contest!

The Academic Competition for the 2023-2024 school year took place on January 7, 2024.
For all the above competition projects, there is no need to fill out a registration form. The competitions will take place during the regular class hours. Parents are kindly requested to ensure students arrive punctually for the competition on January 7th.
以上所有竞赛项目都不需要填写报名表,比赛在各中文班上课时间进行。各位家长请务必在 1 月 7 日准时送学生到校参加竞赛。
Recitation and Drawing Competitions:
The recitation and drawing competitions are extra competitions that group participants by age. All participating students, including students from the art class, must submit a competition registration form.
The registration deadline is December 17, 2023. Registration forms can be submitted to teachers or directly to the school office. Late submissions will not be accepted.
Each student is only allowed to register for one competition.
Recitation and drawing competitions will be on January 21, 2024.
Drawing competition participants should bring their own drawing materials (pencils, colored pencils, crayons, etc.). Drawing paper will be provided by the school.
报名截止日期:2023 年 12 月 17 日。报名表可以交给各班老师、值班家长或直接交
给学校办公室。逾期不予受理,敬请合作。 -
朗读、绘画竞赛时间: 2024 年 1 月 21 日
Competition Age Groups:
Here are the 2024 recitation competition reading selections. Each group had two reading selections: one classic poem, and a piece of children's prose.
Group B: 长歌行 [汉] 乐府 龙的传人- 侯德健
Group C: 竹石 [清] 郑燮 爸爸的老师 - 任溶溶
- Group D: 元日 [宋] 王安石 春雨 - 刘饶民
For inquiries about registration and the competition, email:
有关报名及竞赛疑问 email:
For inquiries about registration and the competition, email:
有关报名及竞赛疑问 email: